Supplies Needed by Tribal Health Initiatives in India

The Tribal India Health Foundation welcomes donations of medical and non-medical supplies as they can be distributed directly to tribal health initiatives. Therefore, both the donor and Tribal India Health Foundation can rest assured that contributions are going to the right places and to the right people!

We have compiled a list of the following materials that are currently most needed by tribal health initiatives in India, subdivided into medical and non-medical categories. If you wish to contribute any of these materials, no matter the amount, please email us at info@tihf.otg so we can arrange to collect them from you. Even one blanket or a flashlight makes a lot of difference in these areas!

Once the materials are delivered to tribal health initiatives, we will notify you directly as to where your valuable contribution has gone. 

Non-Medical Supplies:





Stuffed Toys

Used Digital Projectors

Used Laptop Computers

Used Printers

Medical Supplies:


Baby Scales

Blood Pressure Apparatus

Dressings and Bandage Materials

Digital Thermometers

Endoscopes with Light Sources

Medical Reference Books



Pulse Oxymeters


Vicryl and Prolene Suture Material (No. 1, No 2)